Fresh Perspectives: A Journey Through Collegiate Creative Minds

January 31 - February 16, 2025

Mint Museum Uptown


Immerse yourself in the vibrant tapestry of ideas and emotions that college students, both current and former, weave through their artistic expressions.

Located in Mint Museum Uptown; Level 5

Curated by Travis Barnes-Roberson, co-founder of The Mimosa Way, this exhibition serves as a compelling platform to showcase the unique narratives and innovative viewpoints that emerge from the dynamic interplay of youth, education, and creativity. Each piece is a testament to the transformative power of art, reflecting not only the personal journeys and struggles of these young creatives but also their ability to challenge conventions and inspire change. By embracing these fresh perspectives, we are encouraged to reconsider our understanding of the world, sparking dialogues that bridge generational gaps and foster a deeper appreciation for the diverse voices shaping our cultural landscape today. This emphasis on the transformative power of art is designed to inspire and give hope to the audience.

Artist Vision Statement: Empowering voices through art, I envision a world where the creative expressions of today’s youth ignite a collective awakening, reshaping perspectives and bridging generational divides.

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Featured Artists


Pam Imhof @theleftbrainedartist

Chalice Meikle @therealchalice

Michelle Defillipo @vintagegirldesigns

Rose Garansi @dreamandstudio

Arial Robinson @im.arial

Caleb DeVaughn @cddevaughn / @calebsbackyard

Angela Lubinecky @Lolangi_art

Khadijah Bennerman @dddivine9_

MASE @speakeasy_ink

Cadeatra ‘The Creator C’ Harvey @thecreatorc

Sydney Mason @_artbyxsyd

Victoria Call @vcballah

LEE @lee400_

Amari Gray @_khairy._


Krishanni Smith @thingsunsaid

Malayna Nesbitt @malayna.jpeg

Brad “Niidodae” Lowry @niidodae

Selena Moreno @selenaangelicamoreno

Antonio Walker @igantonio

Marie-Laurence Daigle @Marieldaigle

Dyair Steele @dyairart

Austin Reynolds @austingreynolds

Serena Soliman @therealssproductions

Jelonnie Smith @jelonniesmith_

Stephanie Chapman

Shawn Peoples @shawnlikecarter

Anuja jain @mandalasbyanuja

Carolina Quintana Ocampo @katrinakalos



Emily Little @onlyfromem

Jazmon Henderson @weirdartcreations2.0

Charaine J @charainej._

Marquia Humphries

Raniah Jeanlys @kingrawknee

Alexandria Cottrell @janaeartistics

June Campbell @Junesaidhey

Morgan Tennort

Latus the Poet @latusthepoet

Mac Elliott @Mac_of_all_trades

Peyton Brinzer @aceacademync

L. Rideaux @princesslawren