Mint Museum Auxiliary Welcomes India Hicks

Famed author and designer headlines Fall EnrichMINT Forum

The Mint Museum Auxiliary will host its annual Fall EnrichMINT Forum, with special guest India Hicks, on Wednesday, Nov. 5 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Mint Museum Uptown.

India Hicks of Harbour Island, Bahamas is a famous photographer, designer, model, entrepreneur and royal. The daughter of famed interior decorator David Hicks and Pamela Hicks, who is daughter to the Earl and Countess Mountbatten of Burma, India’s grandfather was the last Viceroy of India. The Prince of Wales, Charles Philip Arthur George, is her godfather, which earned her a place in Prince Charles and Princess Diana’s wedding party. She has traveled the world, studied photography in the United States, and launched many business ventures in the lifestyle and luxury gift markets. She and David Flint Wood raise their five children in Harbour Island and live an adventurous life.  She has published two books, “Island Life” and “Island Beauty.”

Following an exciting conversation about her life and new business endeavors, Hicks will be available for a special book signing of “Island Life: Inspirational Interiors.” Books are available for sale for $45 at the event and a generous portion of the proceeds will be donated to The Mint Museum.

“The Mint Museum Auxiliary is thrilled to welcome India Hicks to Charlotte for her inaugural visit!  We believe our guests will be thoroughly entertained with India’s reflections on her past, as well as inspired by India’s focus for the future. We thank our Fall Celebration Partner, PNC, as well as all Sponsors, Benefactors, and Patrons for contributing to the fundraising success,” said Margaret Switzer, the Mint Auxiliary President. “I want to thank event chairs Catharine Pappas and Beth Quartapella for their creativity and hard work.”

Tickets for this event are $125 for Mint Museum members and $135 for non-members.  The funds raised will be used to support inspiring educational offerings for the community and significant acquisitions for the permanent collection of The Mint Museum, which is engaged in an ongoing Collections Initiative.

The Auxiliary would like to thank its wonderful sponsors, the Fall Celebration Partner PNC.  In-kind sponsors: Circa Interiors & Antiques, Classic Party Rentals, Peachy the Magazine, and Society Magazine.


For more about the Mint Museum Auxiliary, how to become a member of The Mint Museum, and ticket sales, visit Questions: email Reid Simons at or call 919-523-1662.