Free Art Kits: Cubist Collage
Visit Mint Museum Randolph Wednesday through Saturday during museum hours to pick up a fun all-ages project to create at home. While supplies last.Learn about artist Romare Bearden and his […]
Mint Museum Randolph
Visit Mint Museum Randolph Wednesday through Saturday during museum hours to pick up a fun all-ages project to create at home. While supplies last.Learn about artist Romare Bearden and his […]
Mint Museum Randolph
Drop In Art at Mint RandolphMint Museum RandolphWednesdays through April 26 4:00-8:00 P.M.FreeThe Art Room is open! Drop by anytime between 4-8 PM on Wednesdays for self-directed, creative fun for […]
Mint Museum Randolph
Join Senior Curator of Craft, Design, and Fashion Annie Carlano for a tour of 19th-century fashion in the Fashion Reimagined: Themes and Variations, 1760-NOW exhibition. Limited capacity. Registration required. Museum […]
Mint Museum Uptown
Three playwrights and four actors from Queen City New Play Initiative will create impromptu skits in response to works in Picasso Landscapes: Out of Bounds and our permanent collection galleries […]
Mint Museum Uptown